Loss of a Child

Books & Resources for Loss of a Child


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What to expect & common grief reactions

  • How long should grief last?

  • Signs you need additional assistance

  • Strategies for remembering your loved one

  • What you need to know about the “5 Stages of Grief”

  • What is your “Grieving Style” …. and more

Recommended Books for Loss of a Child

These are all books I personally recommend. Clicking on the book covers below will take you to Amazon.com and you will be able to review the books. If you choose to purchase a book or other item after clicking the link, I may receive a small commission from Amazon, but you will NOT pay any extra for the book or item. These small commissions help me create videos, free ebooklets, and other resources to help the bereaved. To review my affiliates and terms & conditions policies, click here.

Beyond Tears: Living After Losing a Child, Revised Edition
By Ellen Mitchell, Rita Volpe, Ariella Long, Phyllis Levine, Madeline Perri Kasden, Barbara Goldstein, Barbara Eisenberg, Lorenza Colletti, Audrey Cohen, Carol Barkin